The Pop Culture Junkie | Get Addicted
Monday, November 27, 2006

Eminem collaborator Akon has admitted his record company have put a gagging order on him after he admitted to having three wives.

The rapper, originally from Senegal, told radio interviewer Angie Martinez he was “a polygamist” who could “afford to have as many wives as I can afford to have”.

However, the unconventional comments didn’t go down well with Universal, who have now banned him from talking about it further – which Akon claims exposes the Land of the Free’s inherent hypocrisy.

He tells, “After me and Angie had that conversation, situations started getting heated. It started affecting other people that had nothing to do with us.

“Because of that, (the label) said they don't want me to promote that aspect, and I can't talk about that too much because it's destroying other people's families and other things. I said, 'Ok, no problem.'

"I gave them the word to where I won't promote it too much, to where it won't be a topic to where it starts getting tainted into those situations. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in, people do judge you by your beliefs and how you think. It's a free country, but it's really not free."

That's too much! I did hear him in an interview with Kidd Kraddick and when it was brought up he shut it down really quick, just saying he wasn't allowed to speak on it. I mean that's like people openly talking about selling drugs [currently], I mean that's just telling everyone you are doing something illegal. Not the best PR for a record company...but that's how they do it in Senegal...unfortunately he's in America now and well we don't! I know there are plenty of laws surrounding verbal admission of a crime and so I don't really blame Universal for protecting them [and him] from further legal review or criminal for that matter...

What do you say??

